Established Companies: It is Good to Have a Startup Mentality

That is why seeking collaboration with higher education institutions belongs to the corporate culture of REGLOPLAS.

It is sometimes good to look at oneself from the outside and to have a mirror held up before you. This not only applies to people, but also to companies. That is why seeking collaboration with higher education institutions belongs to the corporate culture of REGLOPLAS. Our regular collaboration partners include FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Science.

Every year, the Institute of Business Management IFU-FHS (Institut für Unternehmensführung IFU-FHS) of this university publishes the KMU-Spiegel, which examines current developments and practical questions on the evolution of small and medium-sized businesses ("kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen"; KMU).

REGLOPLAS was involved in the development of the current KMU-Spiegel 2020. The focus of this study is placed on the question of what established companies and startups can learn from each other.

The study, created as a Delphi survey, shows that the typical prejudices are not entirely groundless: startups are innovative, but often inefficient and short on funds. Established companies, meanwhile, are often well-practised and efficient but less agile in the search for entirely new paths and solutions.

The study shows, among other things, the differences between an established company and a startup, using REGLOPLAS, an established player, and LocalBini, a new platform for searching and finding travel guides and scouts in major European cities, as examples.

Rafael Stieger, chairman of the board of directors of REGLOPLAS remarks: "The study by IFU offers us valuable knowledge - especially in the current rapidly changing situation. At the technical level, we are making leaps in development toward Industry 4.0 and digitisation. But we perhaps need to become more agile as a company and adopt some the virtues of the startup culture, without, of course, compromising on the efficiency and reliability of an established and market-leading company."

The position of REGLOPLAS on digitisation and Industry 4.0:

Regloplas Technology Digitisation

The KMU-Spiegel 2020 is available to download here: